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الان تصفح جميع المواقع المرغوبه دون اتصال بالنت مع البرنامج الرائع Offline Explorer 6
Jun 20th 2012, 17:54


Offline Explorer Enterprise 6.2.3770

Size: 13.6 MB / Windows All

مع هذا البرنامج الرائع تسطيع تصفح جميع المواقع التي تفضلها دون اتصال بالنت او الشبكه وذلك بوضع رابط الموقع المراد وبعدها تسطيع التصفح بسهوله وحتي عند قطع الاتصال

· The ability to download up to 100 million URLs per Project;
· An OLE Automation interface to enable control from other applications;
· The ability to update Projects with deleted files

Offline Explorer Enterprise is an ideal product for companies that want to have their own offline browsing solutions. We put all our experience - since January 1997 - in offline browsing into it. Offline Explorer Enterprise combines the usability of Offline Explorer with the power of Offline Explorer Pro and adds:

Using Offline Explorer Enterprise, you can download an unlimited number of your favorite Web, FTP, HTTPS, MMS, PNM and RTSP sites for later offline viewing, editing or browsing. Offline Explorer Enterprise is the most sophisticated offline browser that also has many web development features to easily edit, view, browse or search your downloaded Web pages using its built-in browser.

What's new in Offline Explorer Enterprise 5.8.3158:

· Added View - Recent Downloads menu
· Added skipping unsafe scripts from and wikipedia.org sites
· Improved linking when BASE tag is present
· Improved editing files when "dir" file was moved to "dir.htm"
· Improved Suspend To File feature
· Added auto-hide low disk space errors on status bar when disk gets more space
· Improved processing links that begin from #xd; or #xa; symbols
· Improved Disposition processing when filenames from different URLs are the same
· Improved export to Compressed EXE files
· Added {:FileURLEncode=} URL Macro support
· Improved displaying very long URLs in the Project Map
· Added faster export cancelling
· Added Spanish Help file
· Bug Fix: Fixed some beep messages when parsing files
· Bug Fix: Fixed error on some slow systems when running the first time
· Bug Fix: Fixed localization issues after installation
· Bug Fix: Fixed Internal server when browsing links with + symbols

Offline Explorer Enterprise is an offline browser that downloads an unlimited number of your favorite Web, HTTPS and FTP sites for later offline viewing, editing or browsing. RTSP, PNM and MMS streaming media downloads are also supported. Offline Explorer Enterprise is an ideal product for companies that want to have their own offline browsing solutions. We put all our experience - s... [read more >>]



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