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حصريا عملاق فك و ضغط الملفات WinRAR 4.20 (32-bit) بتاريخ اليوم
Jun 28th 2012, 12:21



WinRAR 4.20 (32-bit)




البرنامج الذي يستخدمه الملاييين لضغط الملفات يعتبر خياراً ممتازاً مع قيامه بوظائف اكثر من برنامج في وقتا واحد كما يمتاز بجمال مظهره بالاضافة إلى عشرات الواجهات المختلفة التي تناسب كل الأذواق برنامج قوي جدا وضخم للتعامل مع الملفات المضغوطة

WinRAR is an archiving utility that completely supports RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives. It consistently makes smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.

WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface. WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special Wizard mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure.

WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits. It supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. It also offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives. With recovery record and recovery volumes, you can reconstruct even physically damaged archives.









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[IMG]httpimg405.imageshack.usimg4053961913e588354qw3.pn g[IMG][COLOR][SIZE][CENTER]

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