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iCouponScript 1.5 Premium Coupon Script

السبت، 29 سبتمبر 2012

منتدى ومنتديات لبنان والجنوب المقاوم Lebanon Libanon Forum
منتدى لبنان والجنوب دردشه صوتيه ومرئيه اخبار واعلام عمليات المقاومه واخبار العدو خدمات الويب المجانيه تحميل برامج وسيريال صيانة الاجهزه اضافة واشهار المواقع سكربتات عربيه واجنبيه افلام والعاب مواضيع اسلاميه النبي محمد واهل البيت قرآن احاديث اناشيد وسياسه التصميم والجرافيكس الرسيفرات والقنوات الفضائيه الخليوي وال SMS الصور والفوتوغراف التطورات والتكنولوجيا الربح من المواقع الوظائف وفرص العمل البنوك والمصارف الالغاز والنكت غرائب وعجائب الحياه عالم الحيوانات الشعر والادب العربي طب الاعشاب والطب الحديث المطبخ العربي الفلك والابراج وعلم النفس الشباب و الرياضه المراه العربيه
iCouponScript 1.5 Premium Coupon Script
Sep 29th 2012, 19:25

iCouponScript 1.5 Premium Coupon Script

Build a wonderful coupon site
with Guruscript.com and Start Earning !!!

iCouponScript is an innovative coupon script developed by Guruscript.com which lets you make professional coupon site that offer coupon codes and discount vouchers to your visitors while generating profit via Affiliate Programs

General Features:

Innovative Design and Professional Coding.Your site will be powerful,beautiful and secure
Dynamically Generate various contents in site..like Top Coupons,Top Store
Let Users add new coupons that are currently not in the database. Of course,you can moderate them to avoid SPAM
You don't have to add all store by yourself from AdminCP.If a new coupon is added to a store that is currently not in the database,then the script will automatically generate the store details and save to database
SEO – You can optimize your site for Search Engines from AdminCP

Front-end Features:

Main Page Features

Automatically generate and list Top Coupons and Top Stores
When a Coupon Code is clicked,the code is copied to user clipboard and the store is opened in a new window
List all tags and Ads in the sidebar
Search for stores (along with domain TLD) or keywords

Coupons Page Features

Automatically generate Screenshot of the site
List all coupons and shopping tips
Let visitors vote for a coupon and they will be in active or in inactive category based on the vote count
Visitors can comment on any coupons or shopping tips
An option for admin new coupons to the database
Finds and lists stores similar to current one

Tag Page Features

Automatically generate and list Top Coupons from the stores that is linked to this tag
List Sponsored Shopping Sites of this tag
Lists all stores that is linked to this tag in the sidebar

Admin CP Features:

General Settings

Change Site Title, Keywords and Description
Change site Logo
Change Moderation and Security Settings
Option for installing tracking codes
Set the number of TOP Coupons and TOP Stores to be displayed on various parts of the site
Just put your links to your Fan pages in Social Networking sites and they appear in the frontend

Store Settings

Add/Edit website/store.You Can put your affiliate URL and also edit SEO settings
Automatically Grabs the thumbnail of that site
Select one more tags for a site
List all coupons in a store and even delete or inactivate a store which you don't want to be displayed

Coupons Settings

Add Coupons/Shopping Tips to any store directly from AdminCP
Edit Coupons shared by your visitors
Activate/Inactivate/Delete Coupon
List and Edit the Comments that a Coupon got

Comments Settings

Approve comments
Delete comments
Activate or inactivate any comment

Tags Settings

Add/Edit any number of Tags
Insert SEO Title and Keywords for each tag



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